Is the party over or has the music just changed?

Catch the entire panel session featuring some of Australia's brightest economic minds here.
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Livewire Markets

A decade of low interest rates and easy money has created a powerful tailwind for risk assets and investor portfolios. That backdrop has been turned upside down with unprecedented interest rate hikes from central banks across the globe. 

So, does this herald the end of the investment return party?

To find out, Livewire's Hans Lee was joined by Andrew Clifford of Platinum Asset Management, Martin Conlon of Schroders, Alexandre Ventelon of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and Diana Mousina from AMP.

They discuss the impact of rate hikes on markets and the possibility of rate cuts in the coming 12 to 18 months, as well as the areas they are seeing the most value today. 

Plus, they also discuss the sustainability of Australia's housing prices. 


  • 0:00 - Intro 
  • 2:32 - The impact of rate hikes on markets 
  • 7:32 - The possibility of rate cuts in late 2023 and 2024 
  • 14:12 - Where Andrew, Martin, Alex and Diana see value 
  •  22:31 - Investing in China (and how investors can access this opportunity) 
  • 23:35 - Japan's market rally  
  • 26:16 - Property in China is a disaster, but there is a huge change underway 
  • 28:49 - Sustainability of the Australian housing market 
  •  32:39 - Unintended consequences of rate hikes 

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