3 wires that caught my eye

It's been a long month, but reporting season finally drew to a close this week. With a lack of stock discussion around as most analysts are neck-deep in annual reports, the attention has again turned to housing this week, as strong growth in approvals drew investors' attention. Stephen Roberts thinks the housing market might be heating up again, Gareth Roberts explains how to find investment ideas, and Stuart Roberts makes the case for a Life Sciences boom. Here are three things you should read this weekend.
Patrick Poke

PLP & A Rich Life

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Is the housing market heating up again?

The housing market continues to confound economists, speculators, and hedge-fund managers alike. In recent times, the focus has been on the increasing oversupply of high-density housing, particularly in Melbourne and Sydney. Altair Asset Management Chief Economist, Stephen Roberts has opened the lid to take a look at the current state. Surprisingly, recent building approvals data seems to point to a renewed lift in construction. In this insightful entry, he takes a look at some recent data, and explains what it means for the housing outlook.  (VIEW LINK)

How to find new investment ideas

Researching new investment ideas can be extremely time-consuming, and time is a precious commodity in today’s interconnected, 24/7 society. Forager Funds Analyst, Gareth Brown, works on their International Fund, so with an investment universe of tens of thousands of stocks, a streamlined process is essential. There are some great tips in here, but pay particular attention to the ‘Observation & experience’ section – it’s a priceless insight.  (VIEW LINK)

The coming Life Sciences boom in Australia

Some of our readers may have been around financial markets long enough to remember the Nickel Boom of the late 60s; for those who don’t, it was one of the largest ever, with the price of Poseidon Nickel soaring from $0.80, to above $250 in just a few months. What few may realise, however, is that this was a boom that had been four years in the making. Experienced Life Sciences analyst, Stuart Roberts, thinks our local Life Sciences sector is in for a similar boom and makes his case in this engaging read.  (VIEW LINK)

Chart of the week

Is the ASX’s payout ratio really falling?

This two-part chart, shared by AMP Chief Economist, Shane Oliver, shows that the falling payout ratio we see across the market is actually just reflecting reduced dividends by resources companies.

Shane Oliver chart.jpg

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Patrick Poke
Founder & Director
PLP & A Rich Life

Patrick is the founder and director of PLP Finance Media, a content production and strategy consulting agency specialising in investment content and communications. He also writes for A Rich Life. Patrick was a Market Analyst, Editor, Senior...

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