Livewire Exploration Watch

MOD Resources has intersected visible copper sulphides in all four RC holes to test an extensive soil anomaly at its T3 prospect within an extensive copper-mineralised system in the Kalahari Desert of Botswana. The results are indicating a wide, shallow dipping mineralised zone at 60 metres depth with hole MO-G-13R recording a 58 metre intersection from 107 metres down hole. Follow up drilling and geophysical surveys are planned. KGL Resources reported a range of shallow exploration results from its Jervois prospect area. While showing some copper mineralisation, little new information was received as the holes were quite short and drilled close to existing positions. Antipa Minerals has commenced a ground based induced polarisation survey of its Citadel prospect at the northern end of a series of tenements north of the Telfer Mine in Western Australia. Rio Tinto is farming in to the property with the potential to earn a 75% interest from spending A$60M. The area is prospective for large scale gold-copper systems. Survey work is expected to be completed in May.
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John Robertson is Chief Investment Strategist for PortfolioDirect a provider of resource sector investment stock ratings and portfolio strategies for mining and oil and gas investors. He has worked as a policy economist, corporate business...
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John Robertson is Chief Investment Strategist for PortfolioDirect a provider of resource sector investment stock ratings and portfolio strategies for mining and oil and gas investors. He has worked as a policy economist, corporate business...
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