2016 IPO Report: Good Things Come In Small Packages

On performance, investors had little reason to complain on average: IPOs outperformed the ASX200 index by 18% and returned an average of 25% at year end. And more so because the best performance was seen at the smaller end of the market. New floats that issued less than $50 million outperformed those that issued more than $50 million by 17.5% at year end, an encouraging statistic for investors taking a portfolio approach to IPO investing.
First day returns were also impressive and increased by 5% on the prior year, indicating either strong aftermarket support and a good investor following, or a strategy to leave some room for a price rise in the way new issues have been priced.
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At OnMarket, we are all former capital markets professionals who thought there was a better way for companies to raise capital, so we provided the know-how behind the technology that powers the world's first exchange-hosted capital raising...
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At OnMarket, we are all former capital markets professionals who thought there was a better way for companies to raise capital, so we provided the know-how behind the technology that powers the world's first exchange-hosted capital raising...
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