37 stocks were covered as part of Livewire's reporting season coverage (and only four were "sells")

Missed some of our reporting season coverage? Have no fear - this article will do the heavy lifting for you.
Ally Selby

Livewire Markets

You could hear a collective sigh of relief last week as the bell rang on the August reporting season. Over the month, Livewire's content editors worked tirelessly with our contributors to cover 37 stocks, focusing on the companies that readers, like you, have told us you care about. 

Interestingly, of the 37 stocks covered, 12 were rated as "buys". Meanwhile, 21 received "hold" ratings and only four were rated as "sells". That's pretty incredible considering how dire many predicted this reporting season would be. 

Livewire also broke new ground by reaching out to seven CEOs of listed companies for an insider's look at their latest reports and the outlook on their various sectors. 

In this wire, I'll provide a summary of our coverage so you can find the pieces that you care about with ease. I hope you enjoyed reading this content throughout August as much as we did producing it. 




Livewire's C-Suite Interviews

Rudi's Reporting Season Monitor

According to FNArena's reporting season monitor, 29.6% of stocks beat expectations this reporting season, while 42.7% were in line, and 27.7% of companies fell short of analysts' earnings predictions. You can check out the final report below: 

Catch all of our August 2023 Reporting Season coverage

The Livewire Team is working with our contributors to provide coverage of a selection of stocks this reporting season. You can access all of our reporting season content by clicking here.

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Ally Selby
Deputy Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archived profile. Ally Selby was with Livewire Markets from 2020 to December 2024.

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