91.4% of LICs & LITs Maintain or Increase Dividends/Distributions for 1H'FY23

Claire Aitchison

Independent Investment Research

There was plenty of news flow in the LMI market in February with 1H'FY23 reporting season. In the attached report we take a look at the dividends/distributions declared for the half year period for LICs & LITs compared to the pcp. Share/Unit holders in LICs and LITs fared well with 91.4% of LICs and LITs that pay ordinary interim dividends/distributions either maintaining the dividend/distribution amount for the half year period to 31 December 2022.  

Key news items include:

TGF Declares Maiden Dividend and Announces Capital Raising: Tribeca Global Natural Resources Limited (ASX: TGF) declared a maiden dividend in its first half results. The Company will pay a total fully franked interim dividend of 12.5 cents per share, comprising an ordinary dividend of 5 cents per share and a special dividend of 7.5 cents per share. The dividend comes after the Company reported a net profit of $17.18m for the 1H’FY23 period. 

TGF also announced they were undertaking a capital raising comprising:

Claire Aitchison
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  •  An institutional placement seeking to raise $19.37m; and
  •  A 1-for-4 Entitlement Offer to raise up to $32.3m.
The capital raising will be dilutive, with shares under the Placement and Entitlement Offer to be issued at $2.10, which represented a 6.7% discount to the closing share price prior to the announcement, a 21.6% discount to the estimated post-tax NTA as at 17 February 2023 and a 22.8% discount to the estimated pre-tax NTA as at 17 February 2023. The institutional  placement was completed on 23 February 2023 with the Company raising $19.37m through the issue of approximately 9.23m shares.

PE1 Made a Play for the CD Series of Funds: Courtesy of a news article in the AFR, the cat was let out of the bag that PE1 submitted two conditional non-binding indicative proposals to merge the four funds in the CD Series (CD1, CD2, CD3 and CD4) with PE1. The proposal was made after the failed attempt to merge the CD Series of funds by the Responsible Entity (E&P Investments Limited) in 2022. The PE1 proposal was rejected and PE1 is currently not in active discussions with E&P Investments Limited.

WQG Moves to a Quarterly Dividend: On 22 February 2023, WCM Global Growth Limited (ASX: WQG) announced it is increasing the dividend payment frequency from semi-annual to quarterly following the payment of the FY23 interim dividend.

LSX Completes Pani Sale: On 20 February 2023, Lion Selection Group Limited (ASX: LSX) announced the completion of the sale of its Merdeka shares received as part of the consideration for the sale of its JV interest in Pani. The shares were progressively sold since late January 2023 on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for a total of AUD$32.5m. LSX also received the deferred consideration of US$10m due under the sale of its Pani interests. LSX announced the payment of a special dividend of 2cps to shareholders, scheduled to be paid on 3 April 2023.The dividend will be unfranked. The Company announced it intends to pay an annual dividend for the FY23 period. With the completion of the sale, the portfolio includes $80m net cash, equivalent to 57cps cash backing. The Company will seek to deploy the cash in new investment opportunities.

PGF Seeks to Raise Capital through SPP: On 9 February 2022, PM Capital Global Opportunities Fund Limited (ASX: PGF) announced a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) offer to eligible shareholders. Shareholders have the opportunity to subscribe for up to $30,000 worth of shares with shares to be issued at the lower of:
  •  $1.7489 - a 2% discount to the VWAP of shares over the five trading days prior to the announcement; or
  •  A 5% discount to the NTA per share before tax as at the date on which the SPP is scheduled to close (7 March 2023).
New shares issued under the SPP will be eligible for the interim dividend declared for FY23 of 5cps, fully franked.

The views here are not recommendations and should not be considered as investment advice.

2 stocks mentioned

Claire Aitchison
Head of Equities & Funds Research
Independent Investment Research
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