A great Aussie breakthrough - why ResApp (ASX: RAP) is a A$200m company

Stuart Roberts

Pitt Street Research and NDF Research

Everyone complains that with Life Sciences companies it takes at least ten years of your life and hundreds of millions of dollars to get to a marketable product. In many cases, however, that claim is no longer true, thanks in good measure to smartphones and the Internet. Consider the case of ResApp Health, a Perth-based company developing a smartphone-based diagnostic for respiratory disease. The technology, originally developed at the University of Queensland, can detect, through the measurement of coughs and breathing sounds, a range of respiratory disorders including pneumonia, asthma, and COPD with sensitivities and specificities greater than 90% and improving all the time thanks to machine learning. The technology works on existing smartphones with no extra specialised hardware required, making rapid deployment post-regulatory approval a relatively straightforward and highly scalable proposition. ResApp Health is now preparing for a registration study of the technology, ahead of a filing for FDA approval expected in early 2017. That's right - around six months from now we could be talking about ResApp having a product to sell. Learn more at (VIEW LINK)

Stuart Roberts
Stuart Roberts
Founder and Senior Analyst
Pitt Street Research and NDF Research

I am an equity research professional who worked in stockbroking from 2001 to 2015. After 15 months doing investor relations I returned to equity research with the founding of NDF Research. With Marc Kennis I founded Pitt Street Research in July 2018.

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