A wholesale disposal of assets by BHP Billiton would be a damning reversal of what the company set out to achieve when it bought WMC in 2005

A wholesale disposal of assets by BHP Billiton would be a damning reversal of what the company set out to achieve when it bought WMC in 2005. BHPB was going to add value from multi commodity marketing synergies. Having nickel, copper, coal and uranium under one roof would create additional value. What it then described as a robust and flexible platform for further growth in the nickel industry seems to have disappeared. The potential of Olympic Dam has not been realised. Why another variation in its strategy will fare differently needs to be addressed. A company with so many strategic zigzags would not be given the benefit of the doubt in any other industry. Lucky for BHP it is such a large part of the various market indices. Investors need it to keep muddling through

John Robertson is Chief Investment Strategist for PortfolioDirect a provider of resource sector investment stock ratings and portfolio strategies for mining and oil and gas investors. He has worked as a policy economist, corporate business...
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John Robertson is Chief Investment Strategist for PortfolioDirect a provider of resource sector investment stock ratings and portfolio strategies for mining and oil and gas investors. He has worked as a policy economist, corporate business...
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