Alphinity’s proven global funds - now launched on the ASX

Two new actively managed ETFs providing access to powerful trends reshaping the world
Alphinity Investment Management

Alphinity Investment Management

Alphinity’s proven process and strong track record in global equities is now available on the ASX. Two new actively managed ETFs of existing funds, provide access to global portfolios exposed to powerful trends reshaping the world. The Alphinity Global Equity Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX: XALG) offers a concentrated ‘best ideas’ portfolio of leading global companies, while the Alphinity Global Sustainable Equity Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX: XASG) also offers the opportunity to invest in companies that we consider to be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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Alphinity Investment Management
Alphinity Investment Management

Alphinity Investment Management is an active, boutique, equity manager based in Sydney and majority owned by its staff. Established in 2010, Alphinity has dedicated experienced teams managing both Australian and global equity funds.

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