AUD/USD to Hit 70c in a fee weeks: Niv On Bloomberg ... | XJO Market Higher, Leading Into US Payrolls... | Pacific Brands profit upgrade |

Peak Asset Management
Good Afternoon, A lot has happened today! A rally of 84 points against all the odds even in light of worsening trade data in Oz and Greece turmoil continuing… For those interested to hear our thoughts on the market, I was fortunate enough to speak on Bloomberg this morning, discussing Greece, the recent volatility in China and how we are positioning our portfolios. To watch today’s live interview, please click on the below: (VIEW LINK) (CTR + CLICK) in other news, numbers out by the ABS show the May trade gap came in at negative $2.75 billion. That's lower than April's deficit of $4.14 billion but came in below expectations of $2.21 billion trade gap. But for some reason the market is rallied today…possibly tax loss sellers buying now… BSL and PBG were the key standouts today.... If you include AIO takeover and TGR strong trading update, the market is starting to find some life again.... Let's have a great end to the week, Niv
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Prior to founding PEAK Asset Management, Niv headed up HC Securities, spent three years growing Halifax Investments capital markets division and also worked on the wholesale desk at Macquarie Bank, servicing a wide range of institutional,...
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Prior to founding PEAK Asset Management, Niv headed up HC Securities, spent three years growing Halifax Investments capital markets division and also worked on the wholesale desk at Macquarie Bank, servicing a wide range of institutional,...
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