Australian investors chasing GFC losses offshore
Our Investor Insights report found that Aussie investors are taking on more risk in their search for growth, increasing their exposure to global equities in lieu of Aussie equities. The report analyses data from the Equity Preference Index (EPI) - a proprietary measure of investor sentiment by age and gender developed by CFSGAM and the University of Western Australia Business School. Report author, CFSGAM Senior Analyst, Economics and Market Research, Belinda Allen, said; “With preference for Australian equities falling, there's been a clear and consistent uptick in applications for global equities, across all age groups. Even investors in the over 59 yr old bracket, typically in, or close to retirement, have also been investing additional funds into global equities. This is a big change from the past, when Aussie investors showed a significant ‘home bias’ to the Australian share market. Data suggests this preference for local shares has waned with the fall of the $AU dollar, and with good returns and diversification offered from global equities, a greater move to invest offshore is likely. Click (VIEW LINK) for the report.
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