Beats, misses, ASX sleeper stocks, and steak dinners

Rapid Fire interview with the Yarra Capital Management equities team following the recently completed ASX reporting season.
Chris Conway

Livewire Markets

Nine Entertainment (ASX: NEC) and Eagers Automotive (ASX: APE) were two stocks that stood out during reporting season for all the right reasons, according to Yarra Capital Management's equities team, while BSA Limited (ASX: BSA) and Goodman Group (ASX: GMG) endured some of the biggest misses.

But what about the sleeper stocks - those that reported well but that the market isn't paying enough attention to? And what are the biggest risks and opportunities between now and the next reporting season?

In the following Rapid Fire interview, Yarra Capital Management's Joel Fleming, Michael Steele, and Marcus Ryan - representing the entire market cap spectrum from micro to large-cap - answer those questions and more.

Make sure to watch right to the end. For a final question, I asked each member of the team to pick a stock to pit against their fellow managers between now and next reporting season. The loser (owner of the pick with the lowest total return), has to buy the others a steak dinner. Game on!

Time Codes

0:07 - Biggest surprises of the season (large cap)
0:21 - Biggest surprise (small cap)
0:31 - Biggest miss (micro cap)
0:49 - Biggest miss (large cap)
1:08 - Sleeper stocks
1:55 - Biggest opportunity between now and next season
2:26 - Biggest risk between now and next season
2:48 - Steak dinner stocks

Your one-stop shop for exposure to Australian Equities

Yarra Capital Management offers research-driven, actively managed style-neutral Australian equities strategies across the full market cap spectrum, targeting superior returns and capital growth for clients over the long term. For more information, please visit their website

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3 contributors mentioned

Chris Conway
Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

My passion is equity research, portfolio construction, and investment education. There are some powerful processes that can help all investors identify great opportunities and outperform the market, and I want to bring them to life and share them...

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