Chris Cuffe - Among giants: A pioneer of Australian funds management

David Clark

Koda Capital

In this episode, David speaks with Chris about his current roles and background to date, in addition to how to pick fund managers along with how investors can use financial returns to support charitable causes and begin their philanthropic journey.

Starting his career as a chartered accountant, Chris Cuffe entered funds management in 1985. In 1988 he joined Colonial First State where he was CEO from 1990 until 2003. In 2003 he became CEO of the listed Challenger Group.

Chris is now involved in a portfolio of activities in the investment and non-profit sectors, including:

  • Member of the Investment Committee of UniSuper, which provides superannuation services to employees of Australia's higher education and research sector;
  • Chairman of Australian Philanthropic Services and Atrium Investment Management;
  • Director of various listed companies including Global Value Fund, Antipodes Global Investment Company, Argo Investments and Class; and
  • Founder, directors and manager of Third Link Growth Fund.

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David Clark
Adviser & Partner
Koda Capital

David Clark is an Adviser & Partner at Koda Capital. In his podcast ‘Inside the Rope’, David interviews some of the leading minds in wealth management.

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