Closing soon: An Exclusive IPO Opportunity

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Livewire Markets

The return of volatility is a good reminder of the risks in equity markets.  Firetrail Absolute Return Limited (ASX: FTA) is a new LIC that aims is to smooth out the ride by providing returns that are uncorrelated to Australian and Global Share markets: “Whether the ASX is up 20%, or more importantly, when it is down 20%, the market return is not a driver for this fund... our aim is to deliver clients around 7% per annum over the medium term”. With performance of 22.1% per annum over its first 2 years, the strategy has ‘Recommended’ ratings from Zenith, Lonsec and Independent Investment Research. The offer has exceeded the minimum subscription level and is due to close on the 19th of October.

Visit the Firetrail Investments website for more information.

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