Despite the likes of CBA running hard, investors can still find pockets of solid-yielding companies selling at reasonable prices

Clime Investment Management

Clime Investment Management

Despite the likes of CBA running hard, investors can still find pockets of solid-yielding companies selling at reasonable prices. There have been warnings recently that investors are taking on too much risk in their quest for yield. This comes as investors seeking income in a low-interest-rate environment push the values of major stocks to record highs. Two stocks, the Commonwealth Bank and Telstra, particularly have had stellar runs. We believe that CBA has run too hard and too fast. Telstra has also been bid up by yield-hungry investors, but Clime views Telstra's yield as sustainable. But income investors don't have to confine themselves to Telstra and the major banks. There are other areas where value and yield are on offer, such as REITs, small cap stocks and regional banks. Read more on finding high yielding stocks: (VIEW LINK)

Clime Investment Management
Clime Investment Management
Funds Management & Stock Research
Clime Investment Management

The Clime Group is a respected and independent Australian Financial Services Company, which seeks to deliver excellent service and strong risk-adjusted total returns, closely aligned with the objectives of our clients.

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