Diversify your income stream
Gryphon Capital Investments
Investors hunting for yield from listed companies today face unreliable yields, and falling capital values as rates creep higher, as well as new additional risks posed by government policies. However, investors can diversify their income and access comparable yields from other parts of the market not exposed to such headwinds.
Gryphon Capital Investments has deep experience in fixed income securities, and aims to deliver a stable, predictable monthly income stream targeting 5.00% per annum (RBA Cash Rate of 1.50% plus 3.50% per annum) net of fees.
It also aims to preserve unit holders’ capital through multiple layers of investor protections including floating rates. Gryphon has been managing $1.7 billion exclusively for institutional clients, but is now open to the wider market for the first time through a new IPO.
Offer Now Open
Visit the Gryphon Capital Income Trust website for more information about the offer.
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Steven has more than 24 years’ experience across a broad range of areas, including debt capital markets, securitisation, funds management and structured finance.
Steven has more than 24 years’ experience across a broad range of areas, including debt capital markets, securitisation, funds management and structured finance.