Don’t dump yield stocks in this bond correction

Clime Investment Management

Clime Investment Management

Don’t dump yield stocks in this bond correction. The sharp global bond correction we have been warning about for over a year has suddenly eventuated. But there is now a danger that investors overreact and dump quality, high-yield stocks. We believe the sharp rise in bond yields, while uncomfortable, is just a much-needed correction, rather than a signal of a fundamental change in the world’s economic outlook. Therefore, we don’t think it requires a major shift in strategy; and nor should investors dump high-quality equities in response. And we don’t think investors should listen to hedge fund managers who are merely front running asset rotation. (VIEW LINK)

Clime Investment Management
Clime Investment Management
Funds Management & Stock Research
Clime Investment Management

The Clime Group is a respected and independent Australian Financial Services Company, which seeks to deliver excellent service and strong risk-adjusted total returns, closely aligned with the objectives of our clients.

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