Eight top stocks to buy in November
Morgans Financial Limited
Markets have arrested their recent falls, not because fundamentals are improving, but because central bank actions have effectively prolonged the era of easy monetary policy. Fickle market activity may be prolonged until there is a clearer picture on the eventual normalisation of monetary policy. Nonetheless, select companies can still thrive against the difficult backdrop. Our high conviction picks are companies we think offer the highest risk-adjusted returns over a 12-month timeframe, supported by a higher-than-average level of confidence. They are typically our preferred sector exposures. Visit the Morgans Blog for our eight top 100 stocks for November: (VIEW LINK)
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Morgans is Australia's largest national full-service retail stockbroking and wealth management network with over 240,000 client accounts, 500 authorised representatives and 950 employees operating from offices in all states and territories.
Morgans is Australia's largest national full-service retail stockbroking and wealth management network with over 240,000 client accounts, 500 authorised representatives and 950 employees operating from offices in all states and territories.