Energy analysts at Deutsche Bank are predicting a huge uptake of distributed solar PV in the US, the world's biggest electricity market

Livewire News


Energy analysts at Deutsche Bank are predicting a huge uptake of distributed solar PV in the US, the world's biggest electricity market. According to the analysts, solar PV installations could rise 7-fold and lift overall capacity to nearly 50GW with annual installation rates to reach 16GW by 2016. This means the US will become the biggest solar market in the world - overtaking China, Japan and Germany for the most annual installations. We believe 2015 will be a key inflection point for solar power in the US, Deutsche Bank analysts said. The economics are already compelling in 20-30% of US states and we expect this to improve as soft costs come down and potential customer awareness begins to ramp. The expected boom is based on predictions that solar PV module prices will continue to fall, grid prices will continue to rise, and innovative financing options will provide cheap capital. (VIEW LINK)

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