Expand your fixed-income universe

Livewire Exclusive

Livewire Markets

The Perpetual Credit Income Trust employs an investment style that seeks opportunities within the broadest possible universe, providing diversification while at the same time managing risk during any point in a market cycle. In this short video, , Head of Credit and Fixed Income at , explains why this breadth of opportunity is a key point of difference within this strategy.

"I think a key point of difference in our strategy and the sort of portfolio that we operate, is just the breadth of the opportunity set, so we're not confined to a particular sub-sector of the fixed-income market."

By looking across the fixed-income spectrum, from investment-grade bonds through to private loans and high-yield bonds, Michael shows how Perpetual is able to construct a robust, risk-controlled and defensive portfolio.

Learn more and discover how the Perpetual Credit Income Trust can help you boost your defensive income.

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