Finding growth in global technology and life sciences | Michael Frazis

In today's ROCast Murdoch speaks with Michael Frazis, the founder and portfolio manager at Frazis Capital Partners.
Frazis Capital Partners is an Australian based fund manager that specialises in global growth investments, technology and life sciences. Murdoch discusses with Michael their two strategies. The main Frazis fund, which invests in listed fast growing global growth companies and secondly the Frazis Venture Fund, which invests in emerging, unlisted, early stage or pre-IPO growth opportunities also in technology and the life sciences space.
In this ROCast released August 2022, we explore the dramatic volatility we have seen recently in global growth assets, the impact it has had on the fund and where he thinks the markets will go from here. Michael also discusses some companies, which have had substantial draw downs and he believes this move doesn’t reflect the true futures of these companies especially after earnings season.
Performance as of 4/09/2023
fund returned 6.1% in July, closing the month +40% for the calendar
year-to-date". (Source: Frazis August 2023 Investment Update)

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