Fisher investments Australia reviews the unemployment rate’s shortcomings

The unemployment rate is one of the most scrutinised economic indicators, but it has its limits—and being aware of them can be useful.

The unemployment rate is one of the most scrutinised economic indicators in financial publications Fisher Investments Australia reviews. But it has its limits—and being aware of them is useful for investors.

Measuring unemployment is more complex than tabulating the percentage of the population without a job. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), similar to other national statistics agencies, defines unemployment as when someone is willing and able to work but does not have a paid job.[i] The unemployment rate reflects the percentage of people in the labour force who are unemployed.[ii] To calculate this, the ABS surveys around 50,000 people (aged 15 years and older) each month about their labour status.[iii] Respondents fall into one of three categories: employed (those with a paid job and who work one hour or more in a week), unemployed (those not in a paid job, but who are actively looking for work) and not in the labour force (those without a paid job and who aren’t looking for work, e.g., retirees, students, etc.).[iv]

These calculation nuances aside, there are issues with popular interpretations of the unemployment rate that Fisher Investments Australia reviews. For example, a rising unemployment rate doesn’t automatically reflect trouble in the labour market. An increase in labour force participation—which may reflect more people actively searching for a job—could cause the unemployment rate to climb even as hiring increases. The unemployment rate also isn’t indicative of where the economy is headed since jobs follow, rather than lead, growth.

Consider a hypothetical business owner who invests a lot of money and time into recruiting and training her employees. If economic conditions turn sour, she likely doesn’t want to let her staff go immediately. She knows her business will need employees when things pick up and doesn’t want to have to swallow those high up-front costs if she can avoid it. She also thinks her workers are great and doesn’t want to risk losing them to a competitor if she has to let them go. So to keep her staff intact, this business owner may reduce discretionary or growth-related spending and focus on essentials to keep operations humming. Laying off workers tends to be a last resort. Likewise, when business conditions start to improve, she probably won’t start adding staff right away. New employees are a big investment, so she will make do with her remaining staff and add only when they can’t keep up with customer demand.

That is conceptual, but real-world evidence—that Fisher Investments Australia reviews—backs it up. Consider how the unemployment rate aligns with recessions historically. (Exhibit 1) Australia’s unemployment rate remained well above pre-recession levels even after the downturn ended. Unemployment could also keep rising after the new economic expansion had begun.

Exhibit 1: Australia’s Unemployment Rate Since 1978

Source: FactSet and Melbourne Institute, as of 21/3/2025. Australian unemployment rate, monthly, February 1978 – February 2025. Recession dating based on “Melbourne Institute Phases of the Australian Business Cycle: April 2024.”

Source: FactSet and Melbourne Institute, as of 21/3/2025. Australian unemployment rate, monthly, February 1978 – February 2025. Recession dating based on “Melbourne Institute Phases of the Australian Business Cycle: April 2024.”

For investors, the unemployment rate and other labour market data Fisher Investments Australia reviews have limited forward-looking takeaways. The jobs market reflects past business investment decisions, which doesn’t indicate what companies will do next. But stocks care about the economic and political factors influencing corporate profits over the next 3 – 30 months, in our view. The unemployment rate, by its nature, won’t shed much insight on this front.

That said, headline chatter about the unemployment rate can reflect broader sentiment. For example, when pundits are sceptical about the economy’s prospects, many include the unemployment rate in their rationale. We have seen experts monitor changes in the unemployment rate (e.g., comparing how quickly it is rising now to 12 months ago)—and if this rate of change exceeds a certain threshold, recession must not be far behind. Others argue the unemployment rate at “cyclical lows” means the economy is at a high point—making a downturn inevitable. Fisher Investments Australia’s reviews of widespread worrying about a late-lagging economic indicator indicates scepticism is prevalent. Investors can then focus on what the consensus is overlooking—providing an investing edge that can yield opportunities.

[i] “Unemployment: Its Measurement and Types,” Reserve Bank of Australia, accessed on 24/3/2025.

[ii] Ibid.

[iii] Ibid.

[iv] Ibid.

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