Identifying growth opportunities & picking winners

David Clark

Koda Capital

Investing in growth opportunities that present themselves as emerging winners, Jeff backs the individuals behind what he identifies as a successful business. He is well known as an early backer of both Magellan Financial Group (MFG) and Goodman Group (GMG) and his fund is currently the largest shareholder of Pointsbet (PBH).

With the firm belief that everything you do in life makes you a better investor, Jeff highlights how the experiences he has gained throughout his career as an accountant and as a top-rated equities analyst who became the Head of Equities at UBS in Sydney has provided him with the foundation upon which he invests.

EFM Asset Management is a growth oriented global equities asset manager that specialises in managing listed global equities and has a particular focus on quality growth investments.

David Clark
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David Clark
Adviser & Partner
Koda Capital

David Clark is an Adviser & Partner at Koda Capital. In his podcast ‘Inside the Rope’, David interviews some of the leading minds in wealth management.

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