Investing In Private Growth Tech Businesses | Dan Winter & Rowan Grant

Murdoch speaks with Dan Winter & Rowan Grant, the founders & PM's at Arbor Capital about investing in private tech.
Murdoch Gatti

York Wealth Management

In today's ROCast, Murdoch speaks with Dan Winter & Rowan Grant, the founders & PM's at Arbor Capital about investing in private tech.

Arbor Capital is an investment firm focused on venture capital and growth equity investing within the technology sector. They work with family offices and High Net Worth Individuals who are seeking to invest patient, long-term capital in high-growth private businesses.

Dan and Rowan share their journeys from entrepreneurs to working for family offices, culminating in the establishment of their first fund in 2016. At the time of recording, the first fund had achieved a gross investment IRR of above 30% and a multiple on deployed capital of more than 4x.

Murdoch Gatti
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I enjoyed learning about how their journey has led to the evolution and the launch of their new fund, how it has shaped their investment philosophy, the new fund's structure, and what they look for when investing in private growth businesses.


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Murdoch Gatti
CEO | Private Wealth Manager
York Wealth Management

Murdoch: Adviser & CEO @ York Wealth Management. 'The Rate of Change' podcast shares the insights of some of the brightest minds in asset management. ...

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