Investing in private markets can be hugely lucrative...and private equity leads the charge

This Alternative asset class attracts some of the world's best investors, and with good reason, says Edison Growth Fund's Michael Thompson
David Thornton

Livewire Markets

Public markets dominate headlines. One could be forgiven, then, for presuming that the best investment opportunities can be found on the public markets. 

Not the case, says Michael Thompson, Edison Growth Fund. 

"There's certainly a growing appreciation for the role that private markets can play in a portfolio," he says. 

"It'll never be the entire portfolio, but many are starting to realise that there is an alternative to the public markets."

It takes a special skill set to find and develop these assets, however. And that's where Edison comes in. 

"The heritage of Edison is entrepreneurs who've founded, built, and sold their own businesses, and we mix that within our team with experienced professional investors from private equity and from venture capital. That allows us to find and secure great investments that are typically off-market and hard to find."

In this wire, Thompson discusses what sets Edison apart from other private equity firms, and why unlisted markets are piquing the interest of sophisticated and high-net-worth investors. 

Note: This interview was filmed on 6 April 2023. 


Edited transcript

LW: What makes Edison different?

We enjoy investing in small to medium businesses. One, because as investors we think the risk-reward profile is really attractive. Two, because the demand-supply of capital actually works in our favour, rather than against us because there's just not that many people in an organised way investing in these types of businesses in the private market. But also, we have all been business owners ourselves. The heritage of Edison is entrepreneurs who've founded, built, and sold their own businesses. And we mix that within our team with experienced professional investors from private equity and from venture capital. And that allows us to find and secure great investments that are typically off market and hard to find. We think it helps us build empathy with founders because we've sat in that seat, as the business owners have. But also to be good partners. To back these people and to contribute really relevant sector expertise and broader skillsets that can mean, together, you know, the businesses can succeed.

LW: What are you hearing from your investors about what they want from their investments?

There's certainly a growing appreciation for the role that private markets can play in a portfolio. It'll never be the entire portfolio, but many are starting to realise that there is an alternative to the public markets. But there are also some larger, quite sophisticated investors, who have been doing private market investing themselves and often quite successfully. And they're beginning to value and continue to look for managers in the space. Sometimes it's to diversify out of maybe a particular sector where they're very strong, but also it's time-consuming work. There are huge volumes of opportunities that require specialist expertise to find and secure, to execute transactions and structure them, to then help businesses as they grow, and to prepare a business for exit. And so we are hearing an appetite to back managers, particularly where they have expertise in a particular sector, focused on a particular part of the market, and can provide a diversified portfolio of businesses of a similar characteristic.

Invest in a portfolio of proven, profitable, high-growth private companies

The Edison Growth Fund invests in a portfolio of proven and profitable private companies. Edison Growth Fund is open to wholesale investors until 30 June 2023.

Edison is hosting an Investor Information webinar for potential investors on Thursday 1st June. Click here to register. You can also learn more by visiting their site.

To learn more about the advantages of private equity compared with the listed market, you can also read Michael’s earlier wire here.

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1 contributor mentioned

David Thornton
Content Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archive profile. David was a content editor at Livewire Markets from November 2021 to October 2023.

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