Investing in the next generation of infrastructure helps close the connectivity gap

Steve Gross

Palisade Impact

Digital demand

Digital services and the internet are essential infrastructure in today’s world.

They play a crucial role in our daily lives, supporting education, work, and social connectivity. But the digital divide reinforces social inequality.

23.6% of Australians are categorised as being excluded to highly digitally excluded, meaning they experience barriers to equitably participating in social, employment, and day-to-day activities that necessitate internet use[1].

There is a large overlap between those who are digitally excluded and minority groups, including First Nations Peoples and those with a disability.

There is also a high correlation between digital exclusion and other inequality traits, such as living in public housing or being a low-income earner.

Digital exclusion reinforces the cycle of inequality for those at the margin, contributing to an amplified social and economic divide.

Next generation infrastructure: GigaComm

GigaComm is a next-generation internet service provider. Their mission is to build the future of digital infrastructure in Australia, and accelerate digital inclusion by providing fast, cost-effective network services.

Where traditional Australian internet networks provide download speeds 40% below the global average, GigaComm utilise new technologies to bypass the NBN and deliver faster speeds.

GigaComm has over 50 years’ combined experience growing telecom businesses from start-up stage and via mergers and acquisitions. They’re expanding rapidly across the east coast of Australia, with more than 3,600 homes ready to connect and across more than 120 suburbs.

Digital inclusion

As part of their mission to advance digital inclusion and connectivity, GigaComm established a product providing low-cost internet access[2] for Australians living in social housing through community partnerships.

GigaComm currently has five pilot projects underway, with the aim to reach over 1,200 social housing households. In doing so, the Program expects to provide affordable internet access to households that would otherwise go without, narrowing the divide for those experiencing digital exclusion.

Palisade Impact recognised the alignment between GigaComm’s vision of revolutionising digital infrastructure in a manner that is socially compassionate, and its own focus on next generation infrastructure addressing the Race to Zero.

Since its initial acquisition in March 2022, Palisade Impact has committed additional capital in support of GigaComm’s expansion. Palisade Impact is currently the largest shareholder in GigaComm.

As an integral addition to Palisade Impact’s portfolio, GigaComm occupies a defensible position as an essential service provider with recurring revenues, in a highly regulated industry with high barriers to entry. Its business model is scalable, and while past performance can't be relied on when considering future performance, it has provided returns in excess of growth capital costs.

Additionally, owing to our ownership stake and aligned relationship with the GigaComm management team, Palisade Impact can actively manage the asset through board representation.

[1] As defined by the Australian Digital Inclusion Index (2023).

[2] The pricing of the product will be competitive with the lowest NBN tier.

General financial advice is provided by Palisade Impact Pty Limited (ACN 650 605 164) (Palisade Impact) of Level 25 Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW Australia 2000. Palisade Impact is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1293078) of Pinnacle Investment Management Limited (ABN 66 109 659109), an Australian Financial Services Licensee (No. 322140). Iinformation in this communication was prepared for the specific wholesale investor it is addressed to. The information is not intended as an asset recommendation or statement of opinion intended to influence a person or persons in making a decision in relation to investment. While every effort has been made to verify the data in this communication, Palisade Impact and Pinnacle Investment Management Limited do not warrant the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information and persons relying on this information do so at their own risk. Performance data contained in this communication has been sourced from Palisade Impact, Pinnacle Investment Management Limited and the investee companies. Gross returns are calculated before allowing for fees paid to the manager, but are after transaction and other costs. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The information provided in this communication is not to be disclosed in whole or part or used by any other party without the prior written consent of Palisade Impact. Palisade Impact and its associates may have interests in financial products, and may receive fees from companies referred to during this communication. Past performance is not a reliaable indicator of future performance.

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Steve Gross
Chief Executive Officer
Palisade Impact

Steve has over 25-years’ experience in impactful infrastructure and in building and growing businesses around the world. His experience covers investment origination, execution and management as well as business development. Immediately prior to...


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