It's time for a change

Darren Langer

Yarra Capital Management

After years of sharp analysis and spirited debates, Jessica Ren and I sign off for the very last time in the final episode of The Rate Debate. From resilient labour markets and rising public spending to Fixed Income opportunities, Jess and I explore the key drivers that shaped 2024 and what lies ahead for 2025. We also discuss inflation, central bank policies, and geopolitical tensions, highlighting potential shifts in corporate credit and global growth.

A heartfelt thank you to all our loyal listeners over the past five years—your support made this journey possible. Don't miss the end of an era.

1 contributor mentioned

Darren Langer
Co-Head of Fixed Income
Yarra Capital Management

Darren is highly regarded in the fixed income industry and is regularly featured in the press. He is also co-host of the popular Australian podcast series The Rate Debate. He has more than 30 years’ experience in fixed income markets and 25 years...

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