Martin Conlon: The great Origin Energy debate and what it means for Australia's future

It's not bright, in case you were wondering...
Ally Selby

Livewire Markets

Expectations that Australia's energy providers will invest aggressively in renewables are far too optimistic. 

That's according to Schroders' Head of Australian Equities Martin Conlon, who argues that while the world has acknowledged we need renewable energy infrastructure - providers do not have the profit pools (or incentives) to pay for them. 

"That probably goes to the heart of the Origin Energy (ASX: ORGdebate," he says. 
"I think that the problem with the current level of electricity prices globally is that there's not a big enough profit pool to pay for the trillions of investment [needed to transition]." 

In addition, most renewable energy investments globally struggle to make money, he says. 

"You also look around the world and say for the most part, countries with high levels of renewable penetration do not have lower electricity prices. So the popular wisdom that renewables make energy cheaper is just not evidenced," he adds. 

Schroders' Head of Australian Equities Martin Conlon 
Schroders' Head of Australian Equities Martin Conlon 

Origin Energy shareholders reject Brookfield, EIG takeover offer

It comes as a takeover bid led by Brookfield and EIG Partners narrowly missed the number of votes it needed to take Australia’s largest energy provider private. 

While 69% of Origin shareholders voted in support of the offer, the consortium needed 75% for the bid to succeed. 

The consortium was offering around $12.8 billion for Origin Energy. And while Origin and AGL (ASX: AGL) together deliver half of Australia's power, they "haven't made more than a couple billion dollars" in EBIT between them.

"Let's say we need to spend $300 billion on the grid and renewable energy. You want to get a low 5-10% return on that number. You need somewhere around $15-$30 billion of EBIT. That's quantum's more than the sector currently earns," Conlon explains. 

"You're not going to get that envelope of profit without it, which is why the idea that the government can expect a huge amount of money to come in to build renewable energy in the envelope of current electricity prices, to us, is just unrealistic. 
"There's a cost of renewable energy and the profit needs to come from somewhere." 
With this in mind, Conlon and his team believe Origin Energy still looks undervalued. 

After all, as Conlon argues, there's "no evidence that private assets are cheaper than public assets" today. 

"Brookfield and EIG wouldn't be bidding if they thought listed assets were really expensive. A lot more assets are being taken from listed to unlisted than vice versa at the moment," he says. 

"Everyone says you've got to go in private assets because there are higher returns. It doesn't look to me like the evidence supports that. If that were the case, the assets would be going the other way."

A not-so-positive spin on Australia's renewable future

So why are renewable energy assets struggling to make money? According to Conlon, the proof is in the pudding. 

"Most renewable energy... is intermittent and therefore requires backup [power]. The backup costs need to be added to the cost of renewable power to get the real cost of renewables," he explains. 
"In order to provide a profit pool for renewable energy investment, electricity prices need to go higher than they are now and that's not what governments want." 

I think I can speak for all our readers here that it's not what consumers want either. And yet, we often forget that "energy is the lifeblood of every single company in the economy", as Conlon puts it. 

"No tech company exists without energy and to us, you can never underestimate how important it is, yet it's a pretty small part of the stock market," he says. 

According to Conlon, this is because the "financial economy has grown much faster than the real economy" over the last decade. 

"We have encouraged everyone to bet on intangibles and financial assets," he says. 

This means that the Western world now faces a troubling future - one where a lot of money is needed to be spent on infrastructure, but there is no return in building it (and thus, why would any private company do it?). 

"We feel like the next couple of decades have to be about putting profit back into the real economy. It's got to come from somewhere and that's got to be the financial economy," Conlon adds. 

So what now? 

Should the government step in and take a more active role in securing Australia's energy future? That's probably easier in theory than practice. 

"Everyone's always looking for the government to underwrite an investment. That's unsurprising," Conlon says. 

However, energy investments come with their risks. 

"Innately, they can be quite volatile and that's partly because of the way we price power. You see it every day," he adds. 

So what would encourage people to invest? 

"If there's money to be made, capital will come. If there's no money to be made, it won't," Conlon says. 
"The argument is that governments can reduce the volatility and make that more attractive, but if the return's still very low, you won't get a whole lot of money coming in. Money goes to where money can be made." 

The key issue as we move into 2024 

Conlon believes the outlook for equity markets doesn't look bright over the year ahead, and warns that multiples still look lofty. 

"A lot of people are investing on the basis that these multiples are right. You look at the valuations you read every day, it's almost a random number," he says. 

Take CSL (ASX: CSL) at 30 times earnings, or Cochlear (ASX: COH) at 50 times earnings, for example. "Where did they get these numbers from?" Conlon asks. 

"If you invert those multiples, they are incredibly low discount rates and that to us, is probably going to be the key in equity markets," he says. 

"People are underestimating the amount of risk they're taking paying very high multiples because that's all it is. It's a risk of the future not being what you expect it to be." 
Instead, he argues that it's more likely that you will lose money than make money when buying stocks at 50 times earnings. 

"The risks invariably are the ones no one's talking about. If everyone's expecting that we'll never lose money unless unemployment goes up, something else will blow up," he says. 

"When people get complacent about something continuing because it's prevailed for a long time, that is almost the definition of risk." 

Where Conlon sees opportunity over the next 12 months 

Despite his gloomy outlook on equities markets, Conlon says he's finding contrarian opportunities today in commodities and resources stocks - like Santos (ASX: STO) and Woodside Energy (ASX: WDS). Some lithium stocks, albeit not Pilbara Minerals (ASX: PLS), are starting to look interesting. 

Iron ore prices are unlikely to stay this elevated, he adds - and thus, he recommends investors avoid darlings like Fortescue (ASX: FMG) and BHP (ASX: BHP). 

On the other hand, alumina and aluminium have fallen out of the market's favour - and are thus opportune areas for value-hungry investors - with Conlon pointing to Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO), South32 (ASX: S32) and Alumina (ASX: AWC) as examples. 

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Ally Selby
Deputy Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archived profile. Ally Selby was with Livewire Markets from 2020 to December 2024.

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