Optiscan Imaging - The phoenix rises from the ashes
Pitt Street Research and NDF Research
Often Life Sciences companies do a ‘Rip Van Winkle’ - go to sleep for a long time, rather than just die. When they wake up again, such stocks can give investors a pleasant surprise. We believe Optiscan Imaging is one such ASX-listed Rip Van Winkle Life Science company. This Melbourne-based outfit has historically been an important player in the field of surgical microscopes. It went to sleep around 2008, and we think it started to wake up again in 2016. Later this year Optiscan's partner, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, the major German manufacturer of optical systems, is expected to gain FDA approval for a new rigid endomicroscope that was developed by Optiscan and on which the two companies have been collaborating since around 2007. As we explain in a recent report, we believe the forthcoming Zeiss product has the potential to become a new gold standard for brain tumour surgery by making current practice obsolete. We suggest the market has yet to fully discover the late-stage nature of the Optiscan story. Check it out at ndfresearch.com/initiation-reports.html.
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I am an equity research professional who worked in stockbroking from 2001 to 2015. After 15 months doing investor relations I returned to equity research with the founding of NDF Research. With Marc Kennis I founded Pitt Street Research in July 2018.
I am an equity research professional who worked in stockbroking from 2001 to 2015. After 15 months doing investor relations I returned to equity research with the founding of NDF Research. With Marc Kennis I founded Pitt Street Research in July 2018.