Paul Moore: Every new dollar you get you should ask, Where can I find the best risk-reward

Livewire Equities


Paul Moore: Every new dollar you get you should ask, Where can I find the best risk-reward? But putting X per cent in Aussie equities, property, fixed interest . . . that's not investing; that's a process. If you asked the majority of fund managers today if they thought Australian equities provided good opportunities, they'd say no. They know it's overvalued. The smart thing to do, we think, is to start taking money from Australia and putting it overseas. The most important thing the average investor has to work out is, I've got my wage, my house and my assets, and it's all in Australia. The one fundamental thing they can look at is when they travel overseas they say, how cheap is it over here? And how expensive is Australia? That's telling you something. Is that the environment where you should have 99% of your assets? Source: (VIEW LINK)

Livewire Equities
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