PortfolioDirect Investment Performance Outcomes

The PortfolioDirect resources equity model finished January ahead of the ASX 200 Resources benchmark for the ninth consecutive month and for all but three months out of the past 24.The benchmark did run slightly ahead of the PortfolioDirect macro model in the past week. Phase II companies lost ground against the Phase I and Phase III segments. PortfolioDirect uses a quality/risk framework to rate resources companies. Those companies receiving the highest ratings will have high quality assets and a relatively low risk profile. In essence, the rating attempts to assess the capacity of a company to meet its business and operational targets. The PortfolioDirect approach separates the stock rating from the macro factors driving markets. These factors are taken into account in the structure of the portfolio models which are reported on each week. The latest report is here: (VIEW LINK)
2 topics

John Robertson is Chief Investment Strategist for PortfolioDirect a provider of resource sector investment stock ratings and portfolio strategies for mining and oil and gas investors. He has worked as a policy economist, corporate business...
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John Robertson is Chief Investment Strategist for PortfolioDirect a provider of resource sector investment stock ratings and portfolio strategies for mining and oil and gas investors. He has worked as a policy economist, corporate business...
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