Skamvougeras: 6 market insights for Livewire readers
Is Amazon a threat to Woolworths? Can active managers deliver value in large-cap shares? And where are the most defensive earnings on the ASX? Following our quarterly investor update, Perpetual's Head of Equities, Paul Skamvougeras, answered a range of questions from Livewire's editors on current market issues.
Questions addressed:
- Can larger Australian shares fund managers still add value?
- Where are the most defensive earnings on the ASX today?
- What’s the biggest red flag when you’re assessing a management team?
- What are you hearing from company management teams?
- Is Amazon a threat to Woolworths?
- Is there a stock where you’re thinking differently to the rest of the market?
Watch the full video below for his answers, including two stock ideas from the larger end of the market.
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The Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited is an ASX listed investment company offering investors access to a portfolio of predominantly high quality Australian and global listed securities, selected by Perpetual Investment Management Limited.
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