Sliding doors, the Market and Business success: Geoff Wilson AO, Wilson Asset Management
In this episode of Euroz Hartleys Finding the Front our guest is none other than 40 plus year funds management industry icon, Mr Geoff Wilson AO, the Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Wilson Asset Management.
There is so much packed into this captivating conversation that is very hard to cover in an intro but there are many, many takeaways from a journey in investment management that has seen Geoff build a business that now manages some $5 billion in shareholder capital on behalf of more than 130,000 retail investors.
In the first half of this podcast we cover off on Geoff growing up, some of the sliding door moments he encountered, his career history and learnings both domestically and internationally, including working in the extravagant 80s and then some of his insights on the impact of the ’87 crash. We then take some time to look at what prompted him to make the decision to go out on his own and kick start Wilson Asset Management.
In the second half we go through the detail of the origins of Wilson Asset Management, the keys to it’s success so far, the setting up of the Future Generation companies to give back, being an advocate for retail investors and the importance of this role and challenges that come with it, and then finish off with some general questions to Geoff on funds management, investing, and important factors to consider, and his view on the markets going forward.
We really hope you enjoy this journey.

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