Stocks have not adjusted to the new normal - and it's giving investors a difficult choice

Prices take time to adjust - and we're still in the adjusting phase, says Alexandre Ventelon of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management.
Hans Lee

Livewire Markets

Everything has a price but prices take time to adjust. After all, monetary policy has long and variable lags on the economy and on markets. Interest rate hikes take time to filter through to valuations across all assets and the more drawn out the cycle, the longer the lag. 

And as the below chart shows, every rate hike takes its toll on risk assets like the equity market.

Note: This chart shows rate of change and the impact this rate of change has had on equity market returns. The US interest rate is clearly not 243% and the Australian interest rate is clearly not 447%. (Source: TradingView)
Note: This chart shows rate of change and the impact this rate of change has had on equity market returns. The US interest rate is clearly not 243% and the Australian interest rate is clearly not 447%. (Source: TradingView)

The cost of financing goes up, the cost of debt goes up, and the psychological/sentiment cost of trying to source extra debt in a market that has no interest in debt-laden firms has soared. Just think of all the companies that have tried to raise capital in the last 12 months and how investors have reacted to them. 

Hikes also take their time (and toll) on the consumer and on corporate earnings. As Australia inches ever closer to running out of excess savings, corporates must adapt to a customer that will have less cash and need to find a way to live on less. 

When he was asked if we are at this tipping point yet, Alexandre Ventelon, Head of Investment Strategy and Research at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management argued that we are still in the weeds of working out what this post-COVID normal actually means for valuations.

"We [are] still riding what's left of the wave of the post-COVID environment with a lot of pent up demand and some excess savings that is being washed through. So we haven't felt really the pain here."

But if the pain is coming and investors know that it's on the way, how should you be preparing your portfolio for the next leg of this cycle? Ventelon says the answer is relative - relative to each individual investor but also a case of the relative opportunity between equities, bonds, and the risk that comes with investing in either/or.

"Clearly, it makes investors rethink their investment from here on in because it means that equities have to deliver a lot from an earnings standpoint to justify the excess risk versus those safer asset classes," he said.

In this snippet from the recent Livewire Live panel entitled "Is the party over or has the music just changed?", we ask Ventelon to share his thoughts on how 5,000+ basis points worth of G20 rate hikes have really changed the landscape for global asset allocation. 

In his response, Ventelon takes a deep dive into how portfolios will need to be constructed in the new world - a world where equities are not the only game in town and billions of dollars is going into risk-free money market funds (also known as term deposits).

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Hans Lee
Senior Editor
Livewire Markets

Hans is one of Livewire's senior editors. He is the creator and moderator of Livewire's economics series "Signal or Noise". Since joining Livewire in April 2022, his interview record includes such names as Fidelity International Global CIO Andrew...

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