Superb article by Nathan Bell of Intelligent investor: The ingredients for a property downturn in Australia are in place: high personal debt, too much reliance...

James McKay

BRR Media

Superb article by Nathan Bell of Intelligent investor: The ingredients for a property downturn in Australia are in place: high personal debt, too much reliance on China's unsustainable economic growth, and high property prices. But there's no telling how the situation will play out. Perhaps China will muddle through and income growth will one day catch up to the growth in property prices. Anything's possible but the message for investors is pretty clear. If you have a large direct exposure to property, either through your home, investment properties or superannuation, owning bank shares or QBE means all your eggs are in one basket. Read more: (VIEW LINK)

James McKay
James McKay
Relationship Manager
BRR Media


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