The AI Phenomenon: Lessons in risk management and investor psychology

While NVIDIA has captured the spotlight, it's crucial to recognise that the AI revolution extends far beyond a single company.
Anthony Doyle

Firetrail Investments

In the ever-evolving landscape of global equity markets, we've witnessed a remarkable phenomenon over the past three years: the AI effect. A single stock – NVIDIA – has created a chasm between top-performing global managers and peers. Those who held NVIDIA and, crucially, maintained their conviction, have outperformed index benchmarks as the stock has risen to one of the largest companies in the world. On the flip side, managers who missed out or sold too early have found themselves lagging as NVIDIA’s weight in global benchmarks has increased.
The stark divergence between the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Equal Weighted Index offers a valuable lesson in risk management
The stark divergence between the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Equal Weighted Index offers a valuable lesson in risk management
This stark divergence offers us a valuable lesson in market cycles and investor psychology. It's a reminder of how a single decision can have outsized impacts on portfolio performance. But as investors, we must look beyond the headlines and ask ourselves: What does this tell us  about the current market environment and risk management, and more importantly, what does it mean for the future?

The Broader AI Hardware Ecosystem

While NVIDIA has captured the spotlight, it's crucial to recognise that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution extends far beyond a single company.
It's crucial to recognise that the AI revolution extends far beyond a single company
It's crucial to recognise that the AI revolution extends far beyond a single company
Risk Management in a Changing Landscape
In times of rapid technological advancement, risk management becomes more critical than ever. The AI sector now spans multiple GICS categories, blurring traditional industry lines. Our proprietary research has allowed us to map these risks across various sub-sectors, now representing 22% of the MSCI World Index. There are three high level AI sectors, being Hardware, Compute and Direct Product. Within these we have further categorised 11 AI sub-sectors.
Firetrail has mapped AI exposure across 3 sub-sectors
Firetrail has mapped AI exposure across 3 sub-sectors
Valuation: The Eternal Challenge

NVIDIA's stellar performance has been backed by significant earnings upgrades. With these upgrades have also come higher expectations. At Firetrail, we maintain a 3–5-year view on earnings and valuation, a timeframe we believe all equity investors should have as a minimum. 

In this context, the price you pay becomes paramount. Even the most promising growth story can turn into a poor investment if acquired at an excessive valuation. Our disciplined approach to valuation has sometimes led us to make unpopular decisions in the short term, but it has served us well over full market cycles.

Our focus on a diversified AI hardware exposure, coupled with rigorous risk management and valuation discipline, has allowed us to generate competitive returns without relying on a single stock, no matter how prominent.
The AI story serves as a microcosm of broader market dynamics. It highlights the importance of maintaining conviction, understanding sector-wide trends, managing risk holistically, and staying disciplined on valuation. As we navigate the current market cycle, these principles will continue to guide our investment approach, helping us to identify opportunities and manage risks in an ever-changing landscape.

This communication was prepared by Firetrail Investments Pty Limited (ABN 98 622 377 913, AFSL 516821) (Firetrail). It is for general information only. It has been prepared without taking account of any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not intended as a securities recommendation or statement of opinion intended to influence a person or persons in making a decision in relation to investment. Any persons relying on this information should obtain professional advice before doing so.

2 stocks mentioned

Anthony Doyle
Anthony Doyle
Firetrail Investments
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