The Hall of Fame fund manager you've likely never heard of

Hundreds of the funds management industry's finest gathered for the industry's night of nights... Here's who took home the gold.
Ally Selby

Livewire Markets

Last week, a new industry legend was added to the Australian Fund Manager Hall of Fame... And I'd bet my left kidney that you haven't heard of him. 

Morry Waked was awarded the top gong on Thursday night, joining the likes of Airlie's Matt Williams, WaveStone Capital's Catherine Allfrey, Regal's Philip King, Ellerston Capital's Chris Kourtis, Magellan's Hamish Douglass, Fidelity's Paul Taylor and many more. 

Waked is the 22nd fund manager added to the Hall of Fame. The Australian Fund Manager Awards have been running since 1999. You can check out the past recipients below: 

Fund Manager Firm Year
Morry Waked Vinva Investment Management 2023
Matt Williams Airlie Funds Management 2022
Phil King Regal Funds Management 2019
Chris Kourtis Ellerston Capital 2018
Catherine Allfrey Wavestone Capital 2017
Hamish Douglass Magellan Financial Group 2016
Paul Taylor Fidelity 2015
John Murray Perennial Value Management 2014
Marcus Fanning Colonial First State Global Asset Management 2013
John Sevior Perpetual (now Airlie) 2011
David Paradice Paradice Investment Management 2010
Rob Patterson Argo Investments 2009
Geoff Wilson Wilson Asset Management 2008
Chris Cuffe Third Link 2007
Peter Morgan 452 Capital 2006
Anton Tagliaferro Investors Mutual Limited 2005
Merv Peacock AMP Capital 2004
Robert Maple-Brown Maple-Brown Abbott 2003
Kerr Neilson Platinum Asset Management 2002
Charles Macek County Natwest 2001
Olev Rahn Bankers Trust 2000
Warren McCullagh QBE Insurance 1999

Waked is the managing director and head of investments at Vinva, a systematic quantitative boutique with $23 billion in funds under management. 

Before starting Vinva, Waked spent over 12 years with Barclays Global Investors, where he would ascend up the ranks to become the firm's Global Chief Investment Officer (with responsibility for over US$250 billion in assets under management across US, European and Asian markets. Prior to this, he was the head of quantitative research at Rothschild Asset Management. 

Speaking to an audience of his peers (and this lowly writer and her colleagues), Waked admitted that while he does typically like to fly under the radar, he was honoured to receive the award. 

"To be part of that list is a real privilege and an honour," he said. 
"I know this is an individual award but certainly I've worked with a lot of smart people and there are a lot of people who have helped me along the way in my career. So really, when I look at this award, I think of them - more than I think about myself." 
Vinva's Morry Waked at the 2023 Australian Fund Manager Awards
Vinva's Morry Waked at the 2023 Australian Fund Manager Awards

The industry has changed significantly over his career, Waked added, recalling his early days at BGI as a lesson by fire in teaching investors the benefits of a quantitative or systematic approach. 

"It took three years of really hard work to win our first $80 million mandate, and I realised pretty quickly that people thought quant was this machine - this black box, this wiz-bang magic formula - and we learnt pretty quick that you had to articulate what you actually did," he said. 
"So we had to articulate to clients that really what we do is identify certain insights - things that we think drive markets, things that we think drive stock prices - not too dissimilar to what you would do as a fund manager. The only difference is how we implement those ideas... and we were fortunate enough to have a lot of success." 

Other winners from the night include: 

Best Funds Management Analyst: For the best-performing stock in the top 100 last year

Winner: Jason Lye, First Sentier - WiseTech (ASX: WTC)

Golden Calf: For the best up-and-coming fund manager

Winner: L1 Capital International

Runner-ups: First Sentier Ex-20 Australian Equities and Edgeworth Capital

Best Australian Small Companies Manager 

Winner: Hyperion Small Growth Companies

Runner-ups: Ophir Opportunities and Regal Australian Small Companies

Best Absolute Long/Short Return Australian Equities Manager 

Winner: Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund 

Runner-ups: Regal Resources Long Short and Perpetual Pure Value

Best Australian Based Global Equity Manager

Winner: Loftus Peak Global Disruption

Runner-ups: Lakehouse Global Growth and Hyperion Global Growth

Golden Bull Award: Best Large-Cap Aussie Equities Manager 

Winner: Perpetual Concentrated

Runner-ups: Northcape Capital Core and Hyperion Australian Growth Companies

A packed room of industry legends. 
A packed room of industry legends. 

Charitable focus 

The night didn't just focus on celebrating the funds management industry's finest, it also raised crucial funds for two important charities: Odyssey House NSW and Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation.  

Odyssey House NSW provides a diverse range of services to Australians with alcohol and drug addictions, who also live with chronic health, behavioural and psychological issues. The Australian Fund Manager Foundation supports Odyssey's Parents' and Children's program, which helps parents in recovery live with their children in purpose-built facilities. The program encourages children to realise their potential, helping to break the cycle of addiction. 

Meanwhile, the Australian Fund Manager Awards event also raised funds for the Sydney Children's Hospital Foundation - helping to support young patients. Funds raised go to the training of fellows, purchasing equipment, renovating and refurbishing wards and vital research projects. 

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Ally Selby
Deputy Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archived profile. Ally Selby was with Livewire Markets from 2020 to December 2024.

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