The key themes and stocks to carry the ASX over the next six months

With reporting season done and dusted, we highlight the key themes expected to shape the market for the next six months.
BRAD Potter

Tyndall AM

The recent reporting season was dominated by domestic cyclicals, which outperformed in both sales and margins—a surprising aspect of the season.

Additionally, cost-out programs across various sectors and the strength of consumer spending were notable themes.

In the following interview, Jason Kim and I discuss the results from the banking and insurance sectors, a prominent blue-chip stock we view as a value trap, and the stocks and sectors where we currently see value.

Time codes

0:00 - The biggest surprise - domestic cyclical strength
0:35 - Cost outs and the strength of the consumer
0:43 - Key highlights: strength of the Australian economy
1:10 - Banks are still expensive
1:26 - CBA: Buy, Hold, Sell?
1:38 - ResMed, QBE, Iluka: Buy, Hold, Sell?
4:45 - One stock that still looks "very attractive"
5:50 - A standout buy from Brad 
6:30 - The themes driving markets
7:30 - Identifying value traps and one stock to avoid
8:55 - The outlook for lithium and iron ore
11:32 - The outlook for the insurance sector
12.22 – The outlook for 2024

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Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund
Australian Shares
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BRAD Potter
Tyndall AM

Brad joined the business in 2002. He has 28 years’ experience primarily in the funds management and stockbroking industry, and has overall responsibility for managing the Australian equities team, process and portfolios. Prior to joining, Brad was...

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