The market’s most disruptive innovations

Livewire Exclusive

Livewire Markets

Amazon is set to potentially become the first ‘trillion dollar company’. Catherine Wood, CEO and CIO at New York-based ARK Investment Management (ARK), discusses how Amazon got to this point, and which companies have the potential to be true leaders of today’s main ‘innovation platforms’.  


Key points:

  • Core to Amazon’s success from the start was the reinvestment of earnings back into the business. So look for businesses today that are following the same strategy.
  • The five ‘innovation platforms’ are Genomic sequencing, robotics/automation, energy storage, next generation internet, and blockchain technology.
  • Don’t be deterred by high valuations if they are elevated due to capital being aggressively directed back into the business. 

Further insights 

Nikko AM Australia is pleased to bring the ARK Investment Management strategies and capabilities to Australia. Click here to find our more 

ARK Investment Management is a Nikko Asset Management strategic partner. This material is issued in Australia by Nikko AM Limited ABN 99 003 376 252, AFSL 237563.

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