The rest of the world is changing, so why aren't we?

The big question remains: will Australia follow the Fed’s lead or stick to its current path?
Darren Langer

Yarra Capital Management

In Episode 51 of The Rate Debate, myself and Investment Manager Jessica Ren  unpack the Fed’s recent decision, explore the chances of rate cuts before Australia’s next federal election, and debate the importance and reliability of employment data for the RBA. We also take a closer look at inflation pressures, from petrol prices and energy rebates to rising service costs.

Subscribe to The Rate Debate to be the first to hear from the champions of fixed income.

Managed Fund
Yarra Australian Bond Fund
Australian Fixed Income

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1 contributor mentioned

Darren Langer
Co-Head of Fixed Income
Yarra Capital Management

Darren is highly regarded in the fixed income industry and is regularly featured in the press. He is also co-host of the popular Australian podcast series The Rate Debate. He has more than 30 years’ experience in fixed income markets and 25 years...

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