Was it worth it
We think a lot of investors will be asking themselves that question as they wrap Xmas presents and review the annual performance of their portfolios. The hours spent reading blogs and research, dissecting balance sheets and company announcements etc, all trying to work out which asset class to invest in, which ones to avoid, or which stocks and sectors to focus capital in. Whether we look at Australian equities, at gold, at bonds, or global stock exchanges, 2015 is not one most investors (unless they’ve been great stock pickers or market timers) will look back at fondly, with considerable volatility and little reward, whilst commodities, and commodity related equities hit hard. Whilst markets haven't been overly kind, there has been no shortage of drama, from the China slow-down to the will they/won't they Fed, whilst in Australia, we're struggling to hold 5,000 points on the ASX, with property potentially peaking as we head into 2016. We sum up our thoughts on all of this, gold of course, and why the Bank of Japan has crossed the Rubicon here (VIEW LINK)
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