Watch: How big is the AI pie? Who wins and who gets crushed?

This panel session at Livewire Live 2024 unpacked the AI megatrend and where investors are seeing opportunity today. Watch it here.
Ally Selby

Livewire Markets

Note: This interview was recorded at Livewire Live 2024 on Tuesday 17 September 2024. 

Artificial intelligence remains the world's hottest investment thematic, with Goldman Sachs predicting that AI investment could amount to around US$200 billion globally by 2025 as businesses move to implement new technologies and reshape their processes. 

Meanwhile, searches for "generative artificial intelligence" on Google have exploded in recent years - with consumers and investors alike trying to learn as much as possible about this exciting and potentially world-transforming technology. 

So, where are we in the AI cycle, which businesses will continue to benefit, and how do you spot the imposters before it's too late? 

To answer those questions and more, I was joined by Munro Partners' Nick Griffin, Tribeca Investment Partners' Jun Bei Liu and Antipodes' Jacob Mitchell on the stage of Livewire Live 2024.

Note: If you would like to read the highlights from the session, you can do so below: 

18 ideas to profit from the world's hottest theme
From left to right: Nick Griffin from Munro Partners, Jun Bei Liu from Tribeca, Jacob Mitchell from Antipodes, and Ally Selby from Livewire. 


  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 0:40 - Griffin's recent trip to the US and what he learnt from it 
  • 3:30 - Mitchell - hardware vs software - has the easy money been made on AI
  • 5:41 - Liu on why the opportunity will spread out further than just NVIDIA 
  • 7:52 - A credible bear case on AI 
  • 10:34 - Business vs consumer use of AI 
  • 13:09 - Valuations - expensive or acceptable 
  • 16:45 - Chips will get cheaper - and that will drive mass adoption
  • 19:19 - Who wins - is this a network effects play or an economies of scale play? 
  • 22:19 - Why the mega-cap tech companies are likely to continue winning
  • 24:21 - Companies with a lot of data will also win
  • 26:18 - Real-world impacts of AI - healthcare 
  • 29.20 - Mitchell's top AI stock picks 
  • 32:15 - Griffin's top AI stock picks 
  • 34:19 - Liu's top AI stock picks 
  • 37:03 - Naming and shaming the AI imposters 
  • 42:23 - Audience Q&A 
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3 contributors mentioned

Ally Selby
Deputy Managing Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archived profile. Ally Selby was with Livewire Markets from 2020 to December 2024.

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