Why one Chinese giant has protection on the downside and re-rating potential.

PM Capital

PM Capital

The Chinese mobile telecommunications market is the largest in the world in terms of subscribers and is leading the transition to a 5G world. China Mobile (HKG: 0941) is the largest operator within China with a dominant position in mobile and a rapidly growing fixed line broadband business. The company is currently trading close to its 10-year lows.

Portfolio Manager Kevin Bertoli explains in this 4-minute video that the strength of its balance sheet and healthy dividend yields provides the downside protection at current levels, while its network strength is likely to result in stronger 5G uptake versus its competitors and consequently acting as a positive catalyst for the share price.

PM Capital
PM Capital

At PM Capital we are not afraid to be different, we search the world for undervalued stocks, we avoid the trap of “group think” and prioritise company valuation over all other aspects. Founded in 1998, PM Capital is part of the Regal Partners...

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