Why this fund could be a better option than buying single REITs on the ASX

Industrial property is a growing asset class - and this Trust wants to take advantage of it.
Hans Lee

Livewire Markets

When interest rates were on their massive uphill climb in 2022/2023, few stocks were smashed more than those in the ASX REITs space. Rising rates and rising bond yields are a cocktail of disaster for many of these stocks. 

This is why Clinton Arentz, Head of Lending & Property Assets at Trilogy Funds, believes the better way to access the space is in a Trust. In this edition of Fund in Focus, we'll take a closer look into the trust that Arentz helps manage - the Trilogy Industrial Property Trust.


Hans Lee: Hello, I'm Hans Lee from Livewire Markets and welcome to our Fund in Focus series. Our guest today is Clinton Arentz from Trilogy Funds, and we're going to be profiling the Trilogy Industrial Property Trust. Clinton, great to see you. Welcome.

Clinton Arentz: Thank you.

Lee: So give us an elevator pitch for this unlisted Property trust and the objectives that you work towards.

Arentz: Right. We built it up starting in 2018 and systematically, over time, have added assets to it. They're all typically single-tenant assets. So it's much easier to manage that way. And they have a scale of around $15-30 million in size, very nicely geographically diverse, and also diverse through their industry type as well.

Lee: Okay, good to know. And single tenant, of course, we mean one person---

Arentz: Yeah, one company typically one large company, a manufacturing company, an e-commerce company, a logistics company, it's a range of different types of tenants.

Lee: Why did you want to offer the Fund to investors in this particular format?

Arentz: Well, we could see the benefits of an Unlisted Property Trust. It is relatively inexpensive to operate. We charge management fees of 0.5%, so it's a pretty low-cost operation. So most of the benefits are passed through to individual investors and it's like a direct property investment, but managed through us.

Lee: If I think about what direct investors who might be watching this video might be thinking, I'm curious, why should an investor consider an entire trust like yours when there are companies like Goodman Group and Charter Hall that can offer direct exposure to the same kinds of properties you are looking at?

Arentz: Well, they are exposures in that sense, but they're also listed on the stock market. So therefore they're subject to those vagaries and investor moods. And that can change from week to week as we see with stock market rises and falls. 

This is more stable in that regard. It's measured on its long-term asset values in that sense. And, of course, underlying the income streams that support those asset values. So it's quite a direct exposure. It's simple, fuss-free, and investors can see what they're purchasing. There's a list of all the assets on the trust website at any given time and it's just so cost-effective and diversified.

Lee: Good to know about the transparency as well. So how does this fund differentiate itself from other property trusts like it?

Arentz: Well, we've typically been a high-yielding trust. So we've looked at areas of the market that were perhaps underpriced or undervalued as we saw them over time. Since 2018, that's proven to be the case. We've seen good value increase through most of the assets that we've secured. 

We've also seen, more importantly, good rental growth as well. But we're very selective with how we choose these assets based on location, based on industry type, and also based on building type as well.

Lee: We've talked a lot about the buildings, the different building types, the different tenants, the different locations. Tell us maybe about a couple of the assets in the fund and how they're indicative of your process.

Arentz: I'd say they're grassroots industrial investments. And don't forget that for investors, there's very little chance of them being able to get the same scale or the same diversity unless they want to create their own $250 million portfolio. So this gives investors that chance. They get the benefit of the diversity, the scale, our expertise, and our management approach as well. 

I would think we continue to grow this particular trust over time. We've had tremendous success in building up to 15 properties now, but as we gather that success, there are more opportunities presented to us. So we could see the trust growing in size quite considerably.

Lee: You talked about yields earlier. So what kind of a distribution profile can investors expect?

Arentz: Well, over time, the all-up returns have been just under 10% - or 9.7% last year. It's a little less because we've seen a little bit less capital growth as markets stabilise post-COVID and interest rates stabilising and the like. But somewhere between that 7.5 to 9.5% is a range what we would expect to see moving forward. 

There's a little bit of movement in that because you're driven by income profiles a little bit, but all those income profiles across the various assets have been quite strong. We've seen strong rental growth in some sectors, and we expect to see more rental growth given very high levels of demand and very low vacancy rates. We'd expect to see that rent growth continue.

Lee: Now that we've talked about the fund, the assets and the fund, and the distribution profile, what are the minimum investment requirements for this fund and is there any high-level technical information that maybe a prospective investor should know about?

Arentz: Well, there's a lot more information available on our website, and as you mentioned earlier, we're transparent like that. We also have investor relations, people who'll happily take a phone call at any time. 

We're quite open to that direct approach from investors. Investors can start with a minimum $20,000 investment and then step it up from there. So it's a real chance for retail investors, not necessarily super high net worth or wholesale investors, but your average mum and dad investor who wants to get an action piece in the industrial space rather than say a residential apartment or something like that. 

This is a very good opportunity for them. And these assets are grassroots. They're simple assets. They're not complex. They're driven by good industries, and they've proven to be a good strong investment base for us in the time we've held them.

An award-winning Trust offering exposure to an exciting sector of the property market. The Trilogy Industrial Property Trust holds a diversified portfolio of industrial properties and has delivered capital growth and tax-effective, monthly income payments to investors, for over 5 years. Find out more here. 

Managed Fund
Trilogy Industrial Property Trust
Australian Property
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1 fund mentioned

Hans Lee
Senior Editor
Livewire Markets

Hans is one of Livewire's senior editors. He is the creator and moderator of Livewire's economics series "Signal or Noise". Since joining Livewire in April 2022, his interview record includes such names as Fidelity International Global CIO Andrew...

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