Why we love founder-led companies

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Livewire Markets

One of the core tenets of the Cooper Investors philosophy is ‘focused management’, and no manager is more focused than one who founded the company. In Asia, this is more important than ever, explains Qiao Ma, Portfolio Manager at Cooper Investors. She says focused management is “front and centre” when looking at Asian companies.

“You really need a very strong founder that spots these trends from a mile away, that can adapt the organisation very quickly, and then capture the next wave of consumers. If you wait for a bureaucracy, for a 12-person board to make a decision and then drive the organisational change, that opportunity probably no longer exists.”

Here, Qiao shares a fascinating example of a leading drug maker that adapted to changes before they occurred.

Invest with Management teams you can trust

Cooper Investors looks for focused leaders that demonstrate a clear focus, vision, authenticity, energy, passion and competency for the business/industry. Click here to find out more.

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