Would these experts buy a property right now?

Ahead of the annual Signal or Noise property show, we ask the experts where they think the signals lie.
Hans Lee

Livewire Markets

The statistics around Australia's problem with housing are well known and well written about. Most investors know that the Federal Government has a target of building 1.2 million dwellings over the next five years. Pretty much all of us know that it won't be met - certainly if the current pace of dwelling completions stays where it is at the moment. 

Add to that a massive tradie shortage and a migration influx and what have you got? One almighty supply problem.

But while Australia's residential housing supply crisis is well known and well written about, some people want to turn this crisis into an opportunity. Builders see it as an opportunity to build more modestly priced dwellings and build-to-rent schemes are already paying off for investment firms that are backing such projects. 

But should you, as an individual investor, be getting involved? Or if you don't even have your own home yet, should you be investing before buying for yourself?

To find out, Signal or Noise is providing this preview ahead of its 2024 property show. Our theme for this year's property show is to find out whether the best way to address Australia's housing affordability crisis is to view it as an investment opportunity instead.

Joining me and AMP's Diana Mousina are two of the country's most respected property commentators and investors:

  • Louis Christopher, Founder at SQM Research
  • Andrew Schwartz, Group Managing Director and Co-Founder at Qualitas

Note: This episode was taped on Monday 4 November 2024. The full episode will be released on Thursday 7 November 2024.

Topics covered:

  • A BCA report suggests construction productivity has declined 12%. Is that a SIGNAL for a worsening supply situation in the property market?
  • There are two major policy points being proposed at the moment related to housing supply - one nationally and one for Victoria. Will either policy proposal genuinely move the dial?
  • Of these indicators, which will have the biggest impact on property prices in 2025: The RBA, migration, the skilled tradie shortage, or something else?
  • Auction clearance rates recently fell to December 2022 lows. Is that a SIGNAL for property demand moving forward?
  • Would you buy a residential property right now?
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2 contributors mentioned

Hans Lee
Senior Editor
Livewire Markets

This is an archived profile. Hans was a senior editor at Livewire Markets from April 2022 to February 2025.

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