3 wires you should read this weekend

It’s been an interesting week in the markets with falls in some of last year’s top stocks, and gains in some of last year’s laggards. DMP is down 18% and Macquarie Bank is down 11%, while Fortescue is up 7% and South 32 is up 17%. Such reversals have certainly left some investors scratching their heads. I’ve gathered 3 interesting and topical wires (and a bonus Livewire Exclusive) to keep you busy this weekend, I hope it can assist you in navigating these dark waters.
Patrick Poke

PLP & A Rich Life

1) A rising tide lifts all boats. It’s easy to make money when markets are going up, but how can you profit from falling share prices? Chad Slater from Morphic Asset Management explores the controversial world of shorting.  (VIEW LINK)

2) Roger Montgomery is a self-confessed stock-picker, so when he has concerns about the macro environment, you know something is going on. Watch the video to hear why he thinks Quantitative Easing will be ineffective from here.  (VIEW LINK)

3) Shine Corporate (ASX:SHJ) dropped a massive 73% last Friday after lifting a 10-day trading halt. James Greenhalgh from Intelligent Investor looks at some of the ‘red flags’ that were thrown up in the most recent financial statements.  (VIEW LINK)

This week marked the return of our popular segment, Buy Hold Sell. In this episode, we asked Geoff Wilson and Ben Clark for their opinions on the most popular stocks from our Livewire reader survey and there were some intriguing responses.  (VIEW LINK)

That’s it from us this week. Until next time, I hope ‘Mr Market’ brings you good fortune.

1 stock mentioned

Patrick Poke
Founder & Director
PLP & A Rich Life

Patrick is the founder and director of PLP Finance Media, a content production and strategy consulting agency specialising in investment content and communications. He also writes for A Rich Life. Patrick was a Market Analyst, Editor, Senior...

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