A golden opportunity for resources investors

Footy, wine, and 27 of Australia’s hottest mining stocks – the ultimate investor event
James Marlay

Livewire Markets

Get ready for the ultimate weekend getaway in Adelaide this Autumn! Picture this: sipping on world-renowned wines, cheering for your favourite footy team, and uncovering the next big mining sensation – all in one glorious weekend!

Join fellow investors at the Gather Round, a Festival of Footy extravaganza where 18 teams battle it out at the iconic Adelaide Oval and in the stunning Adelaide Hills. But hold onto your wine glasses because there's more! We've cranked up the excitement with the second annual Resources Rising Stars Gather Round Investor Conference.

Hosted by the team at Read Corporate, this one-day conference is your golden ticket to explore 27 junior and mid-tier resource stocks. Imagine rubbing shoulders with the likes of Boss Energy (ASX: BOE), Spartan Resources (ASX: SPR), Chalice Mining (ASX: CHN) and Firefly Metals (ASX: FFM). And if that's not enough, get ready to be inspired by AFL legend turned investment advisor Ted Richards, business personality David Koch and Bell Direct Market Analyst Grady Wulff.

  • Event Details: (Full Program Attached):
  • Date: Thursday, April 10th 2025
  • Time: 8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Panel Session: David Koch, Hedley Widdup and Grady Wulff
  • Registration: Free registration for genuine investors, including morning and afternoon tea, lunch and networking drinks.
  • Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre

Secure your spot by registering through the link below. It's time to Gather Round for a weekend of wine, footy and the next big resources opportunity.

Register Here

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James Marlay
Co Founder
Livewire Markets

Livewire is Australia’s #1 website for expert investment analysis. We work with leading investment professionals to deliver curated content that helps investors make confident and informed decisions. Safe investing and thanks for reading Livewire.

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