Bear Schmer... It's sector rotation time!

If all you own is technology, you probably think it is a bear market.
Kingsley Jones

Jevons Global

I think bears get a bad rap.

They are billed as grumpy ravenous destructive campfire wreckers.

However, among friends, I am sure they are quite the cultured ones with a fine nose for honey and pretty dab hands when it comes to tossing salmon. 

I am never rude about bears in public.

This does not mean that I want to be one or wear a bear onesie.

Everything has a season

We know that it has been a stonking good bull market in technology.

Definitely it looks like glamour puss technology is getting toppy.
Definitely it looks like glamour puss technology is getting toppy.

Nvidia is getting narrower earnings beats with each quarterly call NYSE: NVDA.

Folks like me continue to mistreat Gen AI as a tool for parody.

Sure, the technology is cool, but the kids doing it are not.

Just look at what went wrong. Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is doing well!

You know the world has gone weird when Larry Ellison is top of the pops again.
You know the world has gone weird when Larry Ellison is top of the pops again.

Only fools like me bought that stock.

In the meantime, the minerals industry has 43 colours of custard.

Minerals were looking pretty terrible until, yesterday. Will it hold? Maybe.
Minerals were looking pretty terrible until, yesterday. Will it hold? Maybe.

Markets change the whole time, and so it is a mistake to be too fixated on one idea.

Are we approaching a bear market?

I don't think so.

However, this is not an idle question for me as I have a well-developed methodology for calling the beginning and end of bull markets and bear markets. This involves estimating the average investor's unrealised profit and loss in their holdings. The technique has been described in detail here, and I now run a newsletter devoted to it.

Last Friday I ran a global developed market screen against all 4,600 publicly listed companies with market capitalisation greater than US $1 billion. You can see the results below.

The global ranking of 4,600 stocks by unrealised profit and loss. The majority are well in profit territory.
The global ranking of 4,600 stocks by unrealised profit and loss. The majority are well in profit territory.

This chart shows all 4,600 stocks' estimated investor profit and loss in rank order. Positive values are good. Around 2,600 of 4,600 stocks are in bullish territory.

The breadth is good with winners outweighing losers in number and magnitude.

Why all the sour faces then?

For more colour, we can look at the distribution of profit and loss by sector.

We know that Resources and Energy is in a deep bear market and that Technology investors are sooky.
We know that Resources and Energy is in a deep bear market and that Technology investors are sooky.

The media headlines generally dwell on what "everybody knows to be true". This is because Mr. Everybody does not get out much and does not seem to have a clue.

Note that there are six of our eight market sectors that are firmly in bull territory, especially in the area of large-cap stocks. 

The standout is Consumer Needs, which includes healthcare.

Here are some healthcare names that look to be all kinds of fine.

United Health (NYSE: UNH) is a US-managed care firm that just made new highs.

That was one of the shortest-ever bear markets. It lasted a few weeks.
That was one of the shortest-ever bear markets. It lasted a few weeks.

Pharma group AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV) is another.

AbbVie did not even bother to enter a bear market. It just up and made new highs.
AbbVie did not even bother to enter a bear market. It just up and made new highs.

That is before we consider the obesity drug duo Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY).

Gee, I wonder what a bear market feels like for Eli Lilly shareholders.
Gee, I wonder what a bear market feels like for Eli Lilly shareholders.

And the Danish Dominator Novo Nordisk (NASDAQ: NVO).

How come Danish people are making money? Are they not socialists?
How come Danish people are making money? Are they not socialists?

Then you have Australian oncology plays like Clarity Pharmaceuticals (ASX: CU6).

This is wrong. There is technology involved but it is not software. Quelle Horreur!
This is wrong. There is technology involved but it is not software. Quelle Horreur!

Even if you look in technology, everything is all wrong. Look at Nuix ASX: NXL.

Somebody please check: Did they change management, or did everyone just forget?
Somebody please check: Did they change management, or did everyone just forget?

Why was Mr Everybody not told?

Mr. Everybody knows diddly squat.

Mr. Everybody is the ultimate broken clock.

Right twice each market cycle, but who knows when.

In my view, global markets are now firmly into a classic sector and market rotation.

Look at the fundamentals, and see where they are fading, and where they are improving. If you are lazy, use market technical indicators to help you find where to look for that story. If you are both lazy, and generous, then pay me to do it for you.

The market is not stupid, but it is mute. It does not talk in any normal way.

You have to be alert to the signs and go dig.

Looks to me like healthcare is the new leader.

There will be others, but that much looks plain already.

Happy investing!

Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash

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Kingsley Jones
Chief Investment Officer
Jevons Global

Dr Kingsley Jones is Founding Partner/CIO for Jevons Global. He has been Portfolio Manager for the Macquarie Global Thematic Fund and Global Head of Quantitative Trading Research at AllianceBernstein, and holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics....

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