Paradice: You don't get many opportunities like this

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Livewire Markets

The next four to six weeks have the potential to make or break markets. With speculation regarding a COVID-19 vaccine dominating headlines, how can an investor position themselves for either good or bad news?

David Moberley of Paradice Investment Management says a vaccine is on its way, it’s been priced in and investors need to capitalise on hidden opportunities.

“You’re likely to get some positive data. There’s so many shots on goal, and so much money invested in this. One of these phase three trials is likely to show a positive result.”

In this short video, David expands on investing with a COVID-19 vaccine and some of the sectors he expects to benefit from a positive development. He also shares the thesis on a monopoly company trading at valuations you only see a few times in your life.

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Take advantage of market dislocations

The Paradice Long Short Australian Equities fund provides investors with a style-neutral, long/short, active extension exposure to Australian equities.

For more investing insights from David Moberley, please follow him here.

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